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Internet addiction divorce

If you are in the middle of ending your marriage or if you and your spouse are thinking about getting a divorce, there are many different issues to take into consideration. For example, many couples grow apart over time and marriages end for a host of reasons. In...

Common questions about divorce mediation

Litigating a divorce causes stress as the spouses present their cases to the judge and wait for him or her to rule on the final outcome of property division, custody and other matters. Spouses do not have to leave their future in the hands of a judge, though. ...

Explaining divorce issues to your children

There are many difficult aspects of ending a marriage. However, it is especially hard for many parents, not only because of legal matters involving their children (such as custody and child support) but because of the ways in which their divorce will affect their...

Battling a cancer diagnosis during divorce

If you were recently diagnosed with cancer, our law firm understands the multiple hardships you are likely working through. Whether you are in a lot of physical pain or have extremely negative emotions (such as crippling anxiety and depression) as well as financial...

Dividing up a 401(k) in divorce

People may go into divorce proceedings in San Mateo believing that they know what to expect, yet often end up being surprised by many of the issues they end up having to deal with. One of these is the division of a 401(k). Many may not view a 401(k) as a marital asset...

Can you change child support payments?

California parents often split the financial burden of raising a child. This is true even after a divorce. This is most often done through child support payments. The parent without primary custody sends a payment to their ex-spouse. You use this money to raise the...