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After people get a divorce, they may share custody of their children. Sharing custody may be more difficult if a child is still an infant.

Some mothers may want to keep their infant with them all the time after a divorce. According to Family Education, infants need to bond with both parents, and sharing custody can help this happen.

Consider what is best for the baby

Some parents may imagine that each of them will keep their infant for several days at a time. However, this may not be the best situation for their child. Infants may experience regression or depression if they are away from the primary caregiver for too long. This may keep the baby from bonding with the other parent. Because of this, parents should refrain from overnight visits until the baby is older.

Identify a good schedule

Parents should plan short visits with their infants. According to Very Well Family, these visits should last at least a half-hour so the non-primary caregiver has plenty of time to bond with the baby. People should schedule several visits a week.

The primary caregiver may want to be present for the duration of every visit. However, the other parent may get to know the baby better if he or she has some one-on-one time. It may be difficult for a parent to learn all about the infant if the other parent always steps in as soon as the baby needs something.


People may need to communicate even more when they share custody of an infant. They need to schedule visits around the baby’s sleeping and eating routines and fit these visits into their own schedules. Additionally, they have to discuss any concerns they have. However, establishing a history of effective communication will be helpful as the child gets older.