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Your journey through the worker’s comp system can be a daunting task, even under the best of circumstances. The insurance companies have a big advantage because they are in the business of worker’s compensation. They will use their knowledge of the system to protect their interests. There are some steps you can have your doctor follow in order to level the playing field and make your claim go as smoothly as possible.

According to Safety National, your doctor should fill out the worker’s compensation claim form. This is a simple one-page form that the state requires doctors to fill out at each and every visit. In one simple step, the doctor can address your injury and its relationship to the work incident and outline your work restrictions. This is one of the first forms the hearings officer will review if your case goes to a hearing. Unfortunately, a lot of doctors do not fill out this form or they only fill out a part of the form. Remind your doctor at each and every visit to complete this form.

In addition to filling out the worker’s comp claim form, make sure your doctor notes the relationship between the work injury and the work incident. You would be amazed at how many times doctors do not mention whether or not there was a relationship between the work incident and your injury. Furthermore, if your doctor is recommending medical treatment, he should address in his office notes why he believes the treatment is reasonable and necessary under the circumstances. All of this goes a long way toward protecting your rights under the law.