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One of the adjustments you have to make after a divorce in California is to learn how to be a single parent. This is not something that comes easily to everyone. It can take time and work to make it feel natural to you, especially if your ex-spouse was a very involved parent and you worked as a team. Doing it alone can be quite scary, but there are things you can do to help make the adjustment easier.

The Mayo Clinic advises that you approach the situation with a positive attitude. Avoid blaming yourself for the situation and getting upset over your new reality. It will not change anything, but it could have a negative impact on the situation.

You also should get help when you need it. If you are suffering mentally, then seek care. If you feel overwhelmed, then let your family or friends help you out. There is nothing wrong with letting others help you as you adjust to this new status. In addition, you will probably need a child caregiver. Make sure to choose this person carefully. Your child will likely spend a lot of time with this person, so make sure you feel completely comfortable with him or her.

Finally, get your child used to the new normal. Set rules and routines to make things feel comfortable and become natural. Spend time with your child and do things one-on-one to really build and nurture your relationship. This information is for education only. It is not legal advice.