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Settling into new schedules and living arrangements in California after a divorce can be challenging. Once the custody proceedings are closed, you may think that you are finished with the courts. At De Ita, Lowe & Wald, LLP., we know that life changes. Instead of struggling with the initial arrangement and dealing with a situation that no longer fits life’s circumstances, you can go back for modifications to the court order.

Renegotiating a custody agreement every two to three years is typical. As children grow, their needs and interests change. Living arrangements and parenting schedules may need to accommodate these changes. If you and your ex can agree on the revisions, a new agreement may be filed, with no intervention by the courts. However, if you cannot decide on the changes, the court can be petitioned for an official modification.

When asking to alter the existing court order, you must illustrate how circumstances have changed since the last custody arrangement. This may include your child changing schools, significant income adjustment, or your relocation due to a new job. The focus is on takings steps that are in the best interest of the child, including their preference if they are older than seven years of age.

Custody agreements are meant to make life for your family easier, not cause additional hardship and heartache. Although the needs of your child are the primary concern, your financial needs and changes in lifestyle are also factors for consideration. Visit our webpage for more information on this topic.